Our volunteer programme is awaiting volunteers, do get in touch at info@friendsofroshni.co.uk if you are interested in volunteering in the future, or check out our volunteering pages for further info.
Buy our recipe book for just £2 (+ £1 P&P per order), traditional recipes from Gwalior and the surrounding area, written by the wife of one of Roshni’s members of staff. The food is delicious, and buying the book adds to our funds too! Just send a cheque payable to Friends of Roshni UK to Penny at 50 Gillinggate, Kendal LA9 4JB or email us to pay by bank transfer at info@friendsofroshni.co.uk
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY – the Borrowdale weekend next year will be 19th -21st July 2024 & 18th – 21st July 2025.